3 DRINK MINIMUM: McGrath's Fish House

A Steph DeRosa's Top 10 Bartenders addition

By Steph DeRosa on January 25, 2010

Bartender Tony from McGrath's Fish House has officially made the "Steph DeRosa Top 10 Bartenders" list.  Yes, there is such a list; I would never lie about something like that.  Lie about my age?  Yes.  Lie about how many drinks I've had?  Of course.  But lie about my obscene amount of self-formulated Top 10 lists? No way.

Bartender Tony made my prestigious list not because he was cute, or because he brought me alcohol (two very important qualities in a man), but because he was one of the chillest MF'ing bartenders I've ever encountered.  This dude bent over backward to make me happy, and did so in a very non-up-my-ass kind of way.  Which is a good thing, because it's been a while since I've had that area waxed - ifyaknowwhatImean.

Drink One: Espresso Martini (bartender's choice) - Stoli Vanilla Vodka, Kahlua, Bailey's, and drip coffee gave this chilled concoction an extraordinary resemblance to one of my favorite drinks - the B52.  It was like Bartender Tony read my damn mind.  I loved this drink.  Three gulps in and I was finished.  That is, finished with the drink, not my quest for Three Drink Minimum bliss.

Drink Two: Bloody Mary (most popular drink within last hour) - Hal-le-loo-ya, and about damn time!  The Bloody Mary should be the most popular drink in almost every bar, but it's not.  What more could you ask for in a drink?  You get your antioxidants from the veggie juice, iodine from the salt, water from the ice cubes, and if you're lucky - a healthy pickled meal from the garnishes.  And have you ever looked up the benefits of vodka?  They're endless! 

I love justifying alcoholic beverage consumption.  I feel it's one of the few things I'm really good at.

Drink Three: Manny's Pale Ale (my choice) - McGrath's had an extensive specialty drink menu, all of which looked amazing and delicious.  I could have had a Mojito for only $5.95, or a fruity Cosmo-type drink for a swift nine bucks. 

Eventually I opted to give back some love to Bartender Tony, and refrain from ordering a labor-intensive beverage. Instead, I went with a beer. 

Remember this, my friends: When in doubt, beer it out. - Steph DeRosa

[McGrath's Fish House, 1911 S. 320th St., Federal Way, 253.839.5000]