The Cove

Plus: Extract and Gamer

By Volcano Staff on September 3, 2009

ALL ABOUT STEVE: Sandra Bullock plays Mary Horowitz, a crossword puzzle constructor who on a blind date falls insanely in love with Steve, a TV news cameraman (Bradley Cooper, from The Hangover).  The operative word is “insanely.”  The movie is billed as a comedy but more resembles a perplexing public display of irrational behavior.  Seeing her run around as a basket case makes you appreciate Lucille Ball, who could play a dizzy dame and make you like her. (PG-13) One and a half stars – Roger Ebert 

THE COVE: A heartbreaking documentary, and a certain Oscar nominee, about the use of dolphins in captivity and the mislabeling of the flesh as whale meat.  Includes a central role by Richard O’Barry, who became rich and famous as the trainer of the five dolphins who portrayed Flipper on the TV series, and now feels remorse for his role in the exploitation of this intelligent, human-friendly mammal species.  He joins a dangerous operation to penetrate the defenses of a secret cove in Japan where dolphins are lured to their deaths.  A combination of ecological outrage and the tension of a thriller. (PG-13) Four stars – RE

EXTRACT: Comedy by Mike Judge (Beavis and Butthead) about the owner of a bottling plant (Jason Bateman), who is plagued with an uninterested wife (Kristen Wiig), a factory con woman (Mila Kunis), a litigious worker (Clifton Collins Jr.) and, in the movie’s best performance, a relentless neighbor (David Koechner), who seemingly lurks in the shrubbery to burst forth with undesired friendliness.  Ben Affleck is the friendly bartender who suggests Bateman recruit a gigolo to seduce his wife, so he will therefore be free to cheat. (R) Two and a half stars – RE

GAMER: Gerard Butler is a futuristic gladiator where humans control other humans in a massive, multi-player online reality game, where the stakes are real. (R) – Bill White