Bikers Fighting Cancer

Plus: The Jet City Fix and dirty birds

By Bobble Tiki on August 20, 2009

It’s a new week, which means it’s time for a new installment of Bobble Tiki’s South Sound music notes column. Let’s get rolling…

First of all, please excuse Bobble Tiki this week. He’s a bit frazzled and a bit fried.  He spent all Saturday last weekend “relaxing” at Music and Art in Wright Park. It was the kind of “relaxing” that requires a vacation afterward. At this moment, Bobble Tiki feels like a rum based snow cone left in the sun, or — even more accurate — like Brett Favre’s almost 40-year-old backside: that is to say, saggy, sad and somewhat lifeless. Nevertheless, Bobble Tiki carries on.

On the benefit front, Bobble Tiki received word this week from Uncle Sam’s American Grill that the Spanaway hot spot will hold a blues centered extravaganza to aid cancer patients this Sunday.  Uncle Sam’s Web site indicates the benefit is being put on by “Bikers Fighting Cancer,” and the musical lineup will include Big Nasty, Cory Wild and Careless Hunter. The action starts at 2 p.m., and donations will be accepted at the door. If Bobble Tiki has learned one thing in his time on this planet, it’s to never fuck with bikers — especially bikers fighting cancer.

This just in: Fans of Tacoma’s The Jet City Fix can throw their Buckcherry CDs in the air like the just don’t care — in celebration, that is. The JCF just announced they’ll be playing a Funky Monkey sponsored show at Hell’s Kitchen on Friday, Sept. 11 with Point Defiance, Weight of the World and Vista Switch.

Finally, Bobble Tiki has taken some flack lately on MySpace for recent comments he made about The Band Formerly Known as Dirty Bird. You see, Olympia’s The Dirty Birds and Tacoma’s Band Formerly Known as Dirty Bird had been fighting about who’s more deserving of the name … Crap. Bobble Tiki gets bored even writing about it again. Let’s just say this: While Bobble Tiki has let it be known where his musical allegiance lies, Bobble Tiki also drinks four or five coffee mugs of boxed wine a day, and his opinions should be weighted as such. Check out The Band Formerly Known as Dirty Bird this Saturday at Malarkey’s and judge for yourself. Really, that’s what it’s all about.