Cute Band Alert

Saturday night at Bob's Java Jive

By Bobble Tiki on January 1, 2009

OK, OK, OK.. Bobble Tiki admits it. He’s a slacker. He’s a mess. Sometimes, he’s a wee-bit unreliable.

As I’m sure you’re well aware, New Year’s Eve was earlier this week. For most of you, that probably means you had a little champagne at midnight, and maybe even woke up a little hung-over on Thursday. That’s pretty standards stuff.

For Bobble Tiki, though, the experience was more intense. Yes, he had the bubbly at midnight, but he also had 27 beers just before that. And yes, Bobble Tiki woke up hung-over on Thursday – but he also woke up in jail.

Bobble Tiki isn’t sure what led to his arrest, but his lawyers tell him it was something about indecent exposure and taking a crap on Bill Baarsma’s lawn.

Thanks to Bobble Tiki’s legal troubles, this week’s column – which was supposed to post online yesterday – is a day late. Bobble Tiki truly apologizes. He feels bad about it, really he does. He knows he’s let his 8 faithful readers down, and that, along with the threat of extended community service and the looming restraining order that Baarsma will surely request are enough to truly bum Bobble Tiki out.

Luckily, New Year’s Eve happens only once a year.

This week, Bobble Tiki caught up with Colleen Quitslund, the lead singer of Tacoma’s Cute Band Alert – who will open for Silver Saturday, Jan. 3 at Bob’s Java Jive in Tacoma. If you’re not familiar with the band’s work, Cute Band Alert is a nearly all female, Sassy Magazine inspired cover band that aims to one day dominate the realm of opening bands. As far as Bobble Tiki can tell, Cute Band Alert is well on its way.

BOBBLE TIKI: Describe the vision of Cute Band Alert. What are you aiming to do?

COLLEEN QUITSLUND: The vision for CBA all began on a road trip to Vancouver. When you get two girls ready to party in Canada for a weekend, crazy shit happens. Our shared vision is to become the best opening band in opening band history. We go on first because our energy is such that it would be too intense if we were headlining.

TIKI: Talk about your repertoire. Where does it come from? Do you guys focus on a certain genre, or will you just play whatever?

QUITSLUND: We started out focusing on girl bands from the ‘80s but that is so limited. We do the Go-Gos, but have progressed into whatever fits without our musical abilities and my limited vocal range. We usually just throw out ideas. We get along swimmingly.

TIKI: I was totally intrigued by the props you give to Sassy on your Myspace page. Talk a little about how you named the band, and what influence – if any - Sassy has had?

QUITSLUND: Jesse and I were highly influenced by Sassy Magazine. It is near and dear to women in their 30s who were looking for something more substantive than Seventeen or YM Magazines. It had a feminist and indie rock slant. I was a subscriber all throughout my teenage years and felt it was the only magazine that truly “got” me and my awkwardness.

TIKI: Seriously, though - how'd you guys get some damn cute? Total hotties don't usually roll in such numbers.

QUITSLUND: We can’t answer that question. Our cuteness secrets are copyrighted.

TIKI: What's the goal when you guys are on stage? Bobble Tiki imagines the goals of Cute Band Alert are a little different than other, more serious, ego driven bands out there? What's this all about?

QUITSLUND: On state our goal is high energy entertainment. The performance style was really inspired by Colleen’s insane karaoke performances. We do not take ourselves too seriously, and that’s why we are fun to watch. Egos are boring.

TIKI: If you answer this after First Night, how'd it go? Good times?

QUITSLUND: We met Steph from the Volcano and she thought our name was “Cute Boy Band,” so we promise to write her a song called “Cute Boy Alert,” which we’ve already began working on, so stay tuned.

TIKI: Talk a little about the show coming up at Bob's with Silver. What can folks expect? Do you find it difficult to pack all that cuteness in such a tiny space?

QUITSLUND: Our main concern about Saturday is the size of the stage and our cuteness being contained. I just go a hair cut so our cuteness remains to be seen since my hair could have been like a Samson thing. We love Silver and can’t wait to play with them.

[Bob’s Java Jive, Cute Band Alert, Silver, Sugarfixx, Sammy Swell, Saturday, Jan. 3, 8 p.m., $5, 2102 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.475.9843]