The sales that follow the holidays can't be beat. But instead of battling the crowds of strollers and screaming children at the mall the boutiques of Tacoma have styles and slashed prices that will satisfy any dream item you may not have gotten on your wish list.
Dame Lola in the Stadium District is having a killer sale where everything in the store is 20 to 60 percent off, which means that these luxurious high fashion looks can be yours.
Mary Powell filled in for Dame Lola's owner, Rebecca Dashow, as my guide to fashion while showing off a bright red zip-up hoodie that looked classic against her gorgeous ivory skin done by Prairie Underground. The line is one of her favorites because of its chic casual quality that looks cozy while still being stunning — sold at Dame Lola.
Powell has a low key look and shows off her dark denim skinny jeans from Old Navy by tucking them into sleek, flat, scrunched boots perfect for winter from Steven & Barry's.
Powell gets her striking blonde mane cut and styled at Lechat Noir on Sixth Avenue, her shaggy long bangs are perfect for framing her face and make her pale blue eyes pop.
She completes her fabulous look with dangly earrings from Nordstrom. So come shop the sale at Dame Lola and boost your look without breaking your wallet.
[Dame Lola, 8 N. Tacoma Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.4140]
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