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Bunney buster

Shawn Bunney claims the Piece County economic plan as his own

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Forgive me if you’ve heard this one already, but the economy sucks right now. Wall Street is a disaster. Credit is crunched. The housing market has taken a nosedive. And average people all across our country are wondering where it’s all headed. The foundations of our capitalist system have been rocked, and as economic pillars seem to be crumbling around us, it can’t help but lead to an environment rife with fear, uncertainty, panic and, well, politics as usual.


While that’s certainly true on a national level — with both presidential candidates taking the opportunity to blame the other for the mess we’re in rather than offer actual solutions — it’s also true on the home front, right here in Pierce County.


An example can be found in a recent press release from current Pierce County Councilmember and County Executive candidate Shawn Bunney — which landed on my desk on Oct. 7, the same day the Pierce County Council voted to endorse recommendations for a county economic stimulus plan presented by the Economic Development Division.

The title of the press release: “Council approves Bunney’s economic stimulus plan.”

The only problem with that is it’s not true, at least according to Democrats on the Pierce County Council.


Not that the council didn’t unanimously vote to stand behind the recommendations made by the EDD — which include reviewing the timing and fee structure that developments in Pierce County pay, reviewing the timing of traffic impact fees to allow more lots to come to market, consolidating development codes, increasing workforce training, and establishing an economic development fund — they did. But Democrats say it’s more than a tad misleading for Bunney to take credit for those ideas.

Here’s the beef Democrats have: Back in July, as the economy was heading south and citizens were looking for answers from their elected officials, Democrats Calvin Goings, Timothy Farrell and Barbara Gelman came to the council with a proposal to enact, basically, all of the ideas just recommended by the EDD. The only problem with those ideas back in July — at least judging by the 4-3 vote led by the Republican majority to reject the proposal — was they came from Democrats. 

Instead, as opposed to putting partisanship aside and voting in favor of the proposal from Democrats earlier this year, the Republican dominated council, led by the suggestions of Mr. Bunney, decided to vote for resolution 2008-77s, which called for a study by the EDD of Pierce County’s economic woes — a study that, two and a half months later, resulted in most of the same recommendations made by Democrats in July. Farrell estimates the study took a couple of months, and likely cost between $50,000 and $100,000.


See the problem?

Study comes out. With the help of the Republican majority on the Pierce County Council it’s endorsed unanimously. Bunney pumps out a press release moments later claiming “Council approves Bunney’s economic stimulus plan.”


“They basically took our ideas and put their name on it,” says Farrell. “It’s hypocrisy. Democrats wanted to actually do something about the problem, as opposed to just talk about it.” 

Why did it pass unanimously this time around?

“Why would I vote against the stuff?” asks Farrell. “They’re our ideas to begin with. We still want Pierce County to move forward.”

As we all do. Sometimes, though, politics makes that difficult.  


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