Hanging with the girls

What to eat and drink with your girlfriends

By Sandee Glib on September 25, 2008

A few columns back I jumped the gun with my declaration that fall had arrived early. I apologized and then proceeded to grasp on to the remainder of our glorious weather like a doomed man clinging to a life raft in the middle of a tumultuous ocean.

So in celebration of the season, my girls from Azarra Salon and I thought we should have one last deck party before we hung our flip-flops up for the summer. Let me just say, when we girls deck party, we do it up right. 

It all began a few days earlier with a phone call to the ladies about the lovely magnum of Louis Bouillot Crémant de Bourgogne that was getting dusty and lonely in my basement. I said, “Let’s do a few snacks and pop this bad boy on Carrie’s deck.” Educational moment: The French term “Crémant” is used to refer to sparkling wine not made in the Champagne region.

I soon made my trek to Met Market for some appropriate sparkling wine fare: double crème and crackers. One of my favorites is the mildly stinky Fromager d’ Affinois. Its sweet, mild flavor precludes the earthiness normally found in its identical-looking cousin, Brie. It is just as affordable as Brie, but better.

And of course, no ordinary cracker will do, I chose La Panzanella Rosemary Crocantini. Delicately salted with hints of rosemary (my favorite herb), these large, sturdy crackers can be broken into smaller pieces to accommodate any topping. For the price, just under $5 for an eight ounce bag, they are a good bargain and darn tasty.

A good cheese plate is not complete without some fruit, and I couldn’t be more tickled with my timing. I had five lovely grape bunches ready to be picked from my sad little grape vine. These small, light green Interlaken grapes were sweet and fleshy on the inside, but perfectly balanced with tart, delicate skins. Nothing like a store-bought grape.

I gathered the snacks, my chilled bottle of sparkling, a bucket of ice, champagne glasses (I never leave home without them) and headed over to Miss Carrie’s to join her, Aura and Leslie for the festivities. Upon arriving, I was met with a glass of Spanish rosé from Marqués de Cáceres (their red and white wines were in the Oct. 15, 2008 Wine Spectator 200 best wine values for under $15). This wine is only $10.

Next I was floored by the amount of food that was strewn across the kitchen counter. I distinctly remember saying, “Let’s just have a few snacks and polish off this magnum.” But I was thrilled at the sight. Carrie made a wonderful bruschetta with tomatoes from her own garden. It was fresh and delightful. She also broke out some salmon a friend had caught and smoked himself. Served with capers and red onion, it was a treat to behold.

Earlier, Aura made a trip to Costco and clearly was sucked into the buying vortex we all eventually surrender to. You know what I am talking about, where everything looks so good, there’s so much of it and it’s only $6.99. You have to buy it because you won’t pay less than $12 somewhere else for half as much!

Aside from what I just said, she brought the petite sized prawn cocktail platter that was the perfect amount; a Mozzarella, basil and prosciutto roll sliced thin (always a fan favorite), tabouli and chips, and a walnut-Gorgonzola dip. Hope I didn’t miss anything. Lordy …

After the rosé was killed, we popped open the Crémant and did what we girls do best: eat, drink and gossip. It was a perfect ending for a not so perfect summer. And just because the weather has taken a turn, I don’t expect this will be our last “sip and snack” of the season. We’ll just move it indoors or wear warmer clothes.

Eat out, Tacoma. We need your love.