Hotrods, Pabst and bands

Carmen revved up her engine

By Carmen Jones on August 7, 2008

Lately I’ve been really trying to be a good girl so I can drop some pounds and prepare myself for what will be a lame social existence when I go back to school at the end of September.

Each day last week my body appreciated the fact that I was eating healthy and exercising (man, I love roller skating on Ruston Way just as the sun is going down).

My brain was operating at full capacity, and I was getting plenty of sleep.

Then, of course, after all of that cleanliness and healthiness, I ruined it with far too many shots, PBRs and delicious food because of one function, and oh was it fun:

Hotrod-A-Rama, baby!

The clock was ticking so very slowly at the office, and when 4:59 p.m. hit, I hopped on the Link Light Rail to head to the Swiss in my vintage cowgirl shirt and comfy jeans.

I ran up the stairs of University of Washington Tacoma in great anticipation so I could meet my friends and get this annual party started the right way.

I synced up with KAke, Steph DeRosa and Natasha, as we jointly enjoyed checking out those gorgeous hot rods, the fancy people, and what was even more beautiful: the Glam-O-Rama burlesque show that was nothing but a crowd pleaser.

I really wanted to see Wayne “The Train” Hancock, but the crowd was too thick for my taste, and Natasha and I headed up to the Top of Tacoma for reprieve. There we met up with The Indian and his friend from high school, Pat. We had so much fun for the rest of the night, and we got the boys so tipsy that they crashed at my house.

We woke up in the morning in time for morning wrestling and breakfast at Alfred’s Café and Bubble Room (Have you tried their pepper bacon? Holy crap that’s good stuff).

That started my Saturday Hotrod-A-Rama festivities the right way, especially after I got home and zipped up my all-American pinup girl dress.

When I arrived on Saturday, I ascended upon the Weekly Volcano lounge, replete with PBR, couches, and all of the awesome people who stopped by to chat with us, pick up one of our free T-shirts, and sneak in a PBR or two.

The music was stellar, and created the perfect setting for people watching and joining the thousands who strolled up and down Jefferson to admire the vintage vehicle treats.

I was so sad to see Hotrod-A-Rama come to an end this year, and I really hope that the organizers will hold this event again next year. Please?! Pretty please??!!

The good times continued on Sunday when I met up with The Frenchman and we went to see The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, which was most certainly cheesy, and not nearly as good as the first ones, but entertaining all the same.

Right now I’m heading to Stanley and Seafort’s for Alison Conway’s going away party. This smart little cookie is heading off to San Diego State to pursue her master’s degree in psychology, and I have to say that Tacoma is really going to miss this gem of a girl, with her feisty attitude, her fashion forwardness, and adorable smile.

Best of luck to you, Alison!

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