Beer frame of mind

Lakewood bars for every mood

By Steve Dunkelberger on July 24, 2008

Anyone who has ever been to more than one bar in their life has seen a patron or two who just doesn’t fit the whole vibe of the joint — whose character doesn’t fit that of the watering hole. That might be man in a cowboy hat at a sushi bar or a gray haired dude in a dance club. Finding the bar that is right for you is an important part of living and thriving in the bar world.

In an effort to enlighten, inform and educate, here is a list of bars you can go to in Lakewood to fit your particular mood, personality or wardrobe. Enjoy.

Maybe you just happen to be the 10-gallon hat topping, boot-scooting, big-ass belt buckle wearing sort of a person, then there are a few options.

First on the list is the Longhorn Saloon and Restaurant, which is about as close to a cowboy bar as you are likely to find within the city limits of Lakewood. It’s not like a Texas honky tonk or anything like that, but it has that sort of vibe so at least you won’t be out of place. It also is known for drawing female patrons who tend to wear tight T-shirts and spray-on Wrangler jeans. Nothing seems more attractive to the cowboy set than a chick in a tight shirt.

An alternative would be Stuart Anderson’s Black Angus, for strong drinks and all things related to plates of beef.

The whole cowboy vibe doesn’t work for everyone. So there is a bar down the street for another class of folks. In its day, the Schooner Pub & Eatery was likely the place to hang out and eat fresh fish dishes and quietly drink beer without getting hassled by a potential hookup. Those days are gone. It is now Lakewood’s unofficial meat market. Guys watching the game on a bizallion televisions most likely are being scoped out.

For those situations when you want to be a bit more classy but still casual, say when you want to meet your girlfriend’s parents for the first time even though you have been living together for two years, share a few craft beers at Ram Restaurant and Brewery. Maybe buy a stack of nachos. Don’t forget to pick up the check.

When that particular relationship goes sour and you want to have revenge sex with some one-night stander to make your ex girlfriend jealous, there is only one place to go.

Maggie O’Toole’s Irish Pub has all the short skirts one man could handle for just such an occasion. The music defines the crowd, so watch the calendar for some good metal or funk rock band, and you will be suffering coyote arm in a matter of hours.

Denny’s might seem like an odd choice for hanging out for drinks, but I have found that the franchise on 100th Street always has open chairs and a pickup game of pool. It’s a place to just hang out that’s as comfortable as a frat house basement that just happens to have a full menu that never closes.

But to be honest, clearly the king of neighborhood bars is Burs Restaurant. Not only is this place a Lakewood landmark for the breakfast crowd, but the bar has the most loyal customers in the free world. Some of them have been chugging beers there for 30 and 40 years. Many patrons can be found there every day after work or for a quick drink after dinner. It truly is a bar where everyone knows your name if you show up for more than a few days. All you have to do is pull up a chair and start talking.

[Burs Restaurant, 6151 Steilacoom Blvd. S.W., Lakewood, 253.588.4844]

[Denny’s, 6112 100th St., S.W., Lakewood, 253.584.1574]

[Longhorn Saloon, 10011 Bridgeport Way S.W., Lakewood, 253.581.2580]

[Maggie O’Toole’s Irish Pub, 6006 100th St. S.W., Lakewood, 253.584.3278]

[Ram Restaurant & Brewery, 10019 59th Ave. S.W., Lakewood, 253.584.3191]

[Schooner Pub & Eatery, 5429 100th St. S.W., Lakewood, 253.584.1919]

[Stuart Anderson’s Black Angus, 9905 Bridgeport Way S.W., Lakewood, 253.582. 6900