Party formulas

Statistic: I’m 100 percent sure Statistics sucks

By Carmen Jones on June 5, 2008

At this point, all I can say is that statistics is by far the worst class ever.

Luckily for me, I have a wonderful and understanding professor who is cutting me breaks because he understands how swamped I am professionally and personally.

At this point, all I’m aiming for is a C out of the class because all of those word problems and numbers are nearly impossible for girls like me who are fiercely dyslexic.

However, there’s a huge light at the end of the tunnel because on June 11 I’ll be done with that class FOREVER.

But don’t expect to see me out and about very much until after then because I’m cramming so hard that I barely have time to write this damn column.

Typing faster, faster, faster.

In spite of all of this school work, I wound up having a weekend that made me forget about all of life’s worries.

I bolted home from work Friday to throw on my softball gear. We lost the game, but the exercise and camaraderie were as excellent as ever. I love my softball team.

During the game, my friends were blowing up my phone and wanted me to meet them ASAP, so I did so post-game, still in my softball uni and cleats. I went to Doyle’s Public House and then the Top of Tacoma. I planned to just stay for one or two, but the next thing you know, it was 1:30 a.m., and yes, I was still in my cleats. My damn friends are just too much fun.

Saturday it felt excellent to sleep in! After ridding myself of the PJs, I took on the task of deep cleaning the house and I made plenty of space for my new roomie, Bianca. She has made the upstairs of our home so trendy and adorable!

After cleaning the house and myself, I met up with Natasha and attended and fully supported Stand Up for Darfur fund-raiser. This event netted $6,000 that will go on to fight the horrible genocide that’s occurring in Darfur, Sudan, and my ears were so happy to hear the music of groups including Blanco Bronco, John Walker and the Hitchhikers, Stephanie Johnson and Negative 7. Standing up for this cause felt great.

After saving Darfur, Natasha and I rolled to The Red Hot where we found Kate, Hammer, Tall Troy, Jesse, Locking and Josh. There we settled in for the Ultimate Fighting Championship. I secretly adore the UFC and it was fun to catch it with these people and at The Red Hot (6th Ave. Strut, 6th Ave. Strut). The last fight was so disgusting as the dude’s cauliflower ear exploded during the battle.

Sunday I did nothing but memorize formulas in an attempt to pass this statistics class.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, dear readers, and be sure to watch for my upcoming tales because when this class is over, I’m going to celebrate like a rock star.

Tell me where you like to party at