All Freakin’ Night

Olympia Film Festival gore fest

By Bobble Tiki on November 13, 2008

This late-night mini-fest of blood-injected spazzmatic anti-cinema is sure to cause at least one of Bobble Tiki’s major organs to fail, screens Saturday night as part of the Olympia Film Festival. 

Beginning at midnight and running through early morning Sunday, “Invaders From Mars,” “House By The Cemetery,” “Tokyo Gore Police,” “Nightmare In A Damaged Brain,” and “Screamers” will flicker with enough carnage to terrify, not just sicken.  


Hosts Dave “Of The Dead” Beacham and Josh “The Cannibal Eater” Anderson will pass out enough coffee to keep your head spinning — completely around.  Wedged between the movies will be a gruesome costume, horror scream and maniacal laugh contests with plenty of putrid prizes.

[Capitol Theater, Saturday, Nov. 15, midnight, $10-$15, Capitol Theater, 206 E. Fifth Ave., 360.754.6670]