Sugar Skulls

Beep, beep at Le Voyeur

By Matt Driscoll on September 13, 2007

Sugar skulls are candy concoctions given as gifts to the living and deceased during the Mexican holiday Dias De Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. Typically, sugar skulls are made of a sugar paste that’s been pressed into a ceramic mold — as the name implies. However, sometimes they’re also made of chocolate and amaranto.

Sugar Skulls the band is a four-piece from Seattle that will play Le Voyeur in Olympia Friday, Sept. 14.  With a set of drums, a bass guitar, a six-string violin, and a keyboard in their arsenal, Sugar Skulls have come by their “experimental” classification by fair means. The band’s sound typically lives somewhere between an Atari game soundtrack and ’70s era instructional video. Both sounds seem to be all the rage these days, much like handlebar mustaches.

Sugar Skulls will swing through Olympia on their way down the Pacific Coast, as part of a mini tour that’ll have them safe and sound back in Seattle for a show at the Comet Oct 12.

Only adding to the drama, at least according the band’s MySpace page, all four members of Sugar Skulls live together. They also, reportedly, “love music so much” and “like to be nice and have bbq’s and get laid.”

Who doesn’t?

Like barbecues, that is.

[Le Voyeur, with Twin and Jennifer Gentle, Friday, Sept. 14, 404 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, 360.943.5710]