Friends are important

Respect: a few of you need to read between the lines

By Carmen Jones on September 20, 2007

Every year as I get older, I find it tougher to stay in touch with real friends, and after this weekend, I’m realizing that it’s become even easier for me to break up with the bad ones.

Bear in mind that I’m quite picky as to those that I’ll even let into my life. It’s not that I’m a complete snob (well, maybe a little), I just make a concerted effort to always surround myself with good people so I can maintain a positive outlook.

Here are some of my rules of thumb on qualities that I take into consideration:

I gravitate toward people who are nice, comfortable, interesting, funny, established, loyal and open-minded.

I throw a wall up to people who are leeches, liars, needy, disrespectful, too insecure, demanding, inconsistent, or in any way unreliable.

The biggest rule of all is:

If you’re drama, seriously, leave me alone.

But even after I let people through the gate and find the roses amongst the thorns, maintaining quality friendships is so tough these days because everyone is so freakin’ busy.

However, there’s one tool that I’m so grateful for and use relentlessly to handle this situation: MySpace.

It’s certainly not as personal as many would like, but I love that with some clicks and keystrokes I can remain in sync with my 450 peeps (yes, they’re all real people) who all seem to want a different piece of me. I also love checking my friend’s pages, their photos, leaving comments, and reading their bulletins to stay in touch with what’s going on in their lives.

I also text message like a mad woman to let people know that I care about them, that I’m thinking of them, and that I hope to see them soon.

One of the easiest things I try to do is take an inventory of those friends that I care about the most, and I do something that’s in no way revolutionary: I call them, and even better, I make plans to hang out with them.

Good friends are an important thing to have and hold onto in this world, and I’m so grateful for mine.

When was the last time you showed your friends love?

Syd is so vicious (actually, not really)

On Thursday I was so happy to meet with Syd Vicious, that sweet little dumpling. It had been a couple of months since I’d seen this fine piece of friendship, and I couldn’t wait to catch up with her at the Pacific Grill along with Lady Natasha. While Natasha was busy gathering evidence about the world of cougars (see page 3), Syd and I had an excellent time gossiping, sharing Labor Day stories, and just brightening each other’s lives in a non-lesbian way. Just like Dionne said, “That’s what friends are for.”

Angel Angela Thursday

One of my greatest pals from college, tenderly referred to in a Tony Danza way as Angeler, and I sat at the end of the bar at Doyle’s on Wednesday and had a chance to chat for hours about the whimsical world of evolving as a female professional, all while making fun of those stupid guy best friends that she and I used to date and kicked to the curb oh so long ago. Angeler just sold her condo in Lacey and has joined the ranks of Tacomans. I’m so happy she’s so close now. Just like The Rembrandts said, “I’ll be there for you.”

Failing friendship Friday

I cruised into Friday night with favorite co-worker Karrie for happy hour at Asado. Much to my surprise and delight, The Sherpa also decided to make a special guest appearance. We discussed all things good in life like tasty drinks and pizza. Karrie had to make a departure to hang with her hubby while The Sherpa and I ventured on to El Guadalajara. The Sherpa had to make an exit to spend time with some family of his own, and it was at that point that I really should’ve gone home.

Instead, I went on to Doyle’s where I got completely dissed by Costa Rica Ryan and then blatantly disrespected by The Pusher. I would go into greater detail about what happened with these friends, but it’s tough to talk about people who are dead to me.

Just like Ray Charles said, “Hit the road, Jack.”