Kulture Lab gets crabby

The Dead Artists throw a huge party for July birthdays

By Jessica Corey-Butler on July 19, 2007

You thought the Dead Artists were dead, didn’t you?

They had you going with their “Death and Burial” spring show at Kulture Lab, making you think it was the end.

Well it wasn’t, and a huge Kulture Lab-like party set for Saturday, July 21, starting at 6 p.m. and going all night at the Tempest Lounge will prove it.

Actually, the Dead Artists host two parties at the Tempest: the Crab Party celebrating those born under the sign of Cancer from 6 to 10 p.m., and “Perpetual Indulgence,” James Hume’s art show with lounge music, live painting and pin-up queens beginning at 10 p.m.

“I’ve put on crab parties before,” says Dead Artist Hume, who also happens to be a crab.

But for this crab party, all the Kulture Lab theme shows will come together bringing a full docket of hedonistic entertainment. 

At 7 p.m., Fuchsia Foxxx will tease with a bit of burlesque. In between her sets, Rick King will present his soundscapes, after which interpretive dancer Kadija Anderson will show “Tanden Botoh” while DJ Nuclear Dreamer spins and Robkat (crab Rob Anderson) will show off his mad keyboard skills.

From 9 to 10 p.m., Daniel Blue will bring a limbo fashion show to the stage — yeah, like, Jack be nimble jack be quick, underneath the limbo stick. 

“His stuff is always, ‘WOW!’” explains Hume, adding, “He’s got musicians and all sort of stuff.”

From 10 to 11 p.m., Portland’s Mattress will bring his lounge stylings to the stage.

Hume describes Mattress as “absolutely staggering.  It’s kind of like a punk lounge act, he’s dressed like a lounge singer, but contorts like he’s having a seizure.”

Once Mattress has ceased seizing, the stage will be filled with pin-up beauties from Seattle, James Hume will paint, and then DJ LA Kendall (a crab coincidentally celebrating her birthday that night) will spin.

But wait, there’s more.

The Tempest has expanded its outdoor area for a stage, there will be a beer garden, movies, and Teddy Haggerty will lead a freestyle paint-fest on the side of the building next to the stage. 

And inside, along with all the delectable liquid goodness the Tempest is known for, there will also be art (natch!) including eight of Hume’s latest paintings and a ninth that he’ll create on stage beginning at 10 p.m.

Peppered throughout the full night of fun will be added tricks and treats for crabs who identify themselves at the door. These individuals will be marked by neon necklaces so “you’ll have a chance to buy your favorite crab a shot,” Hume suggests.

“It’s definitely going to be a memorable bash, we’ve just got one thing after another that’s going to knock people off their feet.”

[Tempest Lounge, Saturday, July 21, 6 p.m., 913 Martin Luther King Jr. way, Tacoma, www.myspace.com/culturelabart]