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Raven the sexologist

Like Marvin Gaye, she promotes sexual healing

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Her name is Raven, and she’s a sexologist who does a radio show on sex out of Lakewood on www.kd, which will eventually be broadcast live in a Lakewood club yet to open.

Raven, who gives motivational speeches on achieving sexual charisma, has great plans to expand her empire of sexual knowledge.

“I deal mostly with all things sexual,” she explains about herself, and then describes in greater detail, “I speak mostly to the women.  Not every woman can be beautiful, but any woman can be sexy.”

Raven’s on a mission to educate the world on what is “sexy.”  Sexy is not 11-year-olds in rhinestone G-strings.  Sexy is not genital cosmetic surgery. 

“Everybody can be sexy,” she urges.  “The sexiest man I ever met looked like a cross between Woody Allen and Howdy Doody, and that man had supermodels bringing him flowers.”

She also explains that sexy is getting back to the primitive side of things, the “Ugg” principle. “Ugg took Uggette by the hair, dragged her into the cave, and took her.”  We can all learn from Ugg and Uggette by reprogramming ourselves back to our primitive selves, she explains.

“Sex is really at the base of everything we do,” Raven begins.  “When we’re in touch with our sexual selves, everything else falls into place.”  She adds, “People that are healthy around their sex are healthy everywhere else.”

Raven originally minored in psychology, and then became a motivational speaker and personal growth facilitator.  Early on, she was discouraged from her interests in being a sexologist.  She was told, “Women don’t make it in that field.”

Even still, after her seminars, she would invariably be approached after speeches with sexual questions, and she decided to become a source for clearing sexual issues.

“What no one is doing is addressing personal growth from a sexual point of view,” she says.

“I think I can save the world one orgasm at a time,” she states simply.

To that end, she’s working on opening an erotic arty gallery, The Erotic Connoisseur, which will also contain a boutique of what she calls “green” sex toys.  “The majority of sex toys out there are toxic,” Raven states, explaining that the chemical phthalate, a cousin to phthalidomide, is used to keep the toys soft. 

She advises, of toys, “Smell it.  If you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it in your woohoo.”

Toys sold in her boutique, set to open in a couple of weeks, will be woohoo friendly, and the art will help to spread the message she states: “It’s about art, sexual self-esteem, and living an erotic life.” She adds, “It’s about feeling good about yourself; I promise people it’ll be highly satisfying.”

[The Erotic Connoisseur, to open the end of March, on Dexter Avenue in Seattle]

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