Lines are drawn

UP Asian restaurant gets mixed reviews

By Jake and Jason de Paul on June 23, 2016

Announcer: The boys are drawing a line in the sand this week over a stop at Fresh Rolls in University Place. Jake is a fan; Jason isn't so sure. What has them up in arms and ready to call their mom to mediate? It's all over the word, fresh.

Jake: True to its name, Fresh Rolls offers incredibly fresh rolls with multiple choices of meat or tofu options.

Jason: Yes, I agree, Brother, the word fresh certainly applies to Fresh Rolls in UP.  But fresh doesn't always mean flavorful ... unless you are a rabbit.  I found this stop had the choiciest of ingredients - farm-fresh vegetables ... but I also thought the overall combinations were dry, unflavorful and uninspiring.

Jake: Bro, you're dumb. I went with the shrimp and it was wrapped tightly in rice paper and packed with crispy romaine lettuce, Vietnamese glass noodles, three large shrimp, carrots, and even a mint leaf that really accentuated the goodness.  The deep-fried spring rolls for just $1.25 are also incredible, and at that price, one will not be enough.

Jason: My fresh roll was both crisp with the veggies but soggy with the noodles.  It came with a peanut dipping sauce, but that was also lacking in punch.  

Jake: I decided to go a little Vietnamese surf-and-turf on my visit by ordering the beef pho.  Thirty-two ounces of pho for around $5 is hard to pass up.  The pho here is a great balance of fresh, crunchy bean sprouts, tender pho noodles, crisp green onions, and just a touch of bright and earthy cilantro, all steeping in mellow broth for a satisfying meal.

Jason: I agree, the pho was good.  It is also not contingent so much on "fresh."  It's mostly broth, but even it needed a little doctoring with the hot sauce to give it life.

Jake: If you are truly looking for light, fresh and flavorful, you should take a serious look at the Vietnamese salad list.  Specifically, the Mango and Shrimp salad packed with shrimp and shredded mango on top of fresh lettuce and carrots, tomatoes, onion, and of course, a mint leaf is topped with a sesame balsamic dressing that simply shouts summer freshness.

Jason: I thought the salad was also light on flavor and heavy on watery noodles.

Jake: In addition to soda, Fresh Rolls has a few options worth trying, like bubble tea in four flavors, smoothies in the same four flavors, and an assortment of iced teas.  

Jason: This is the most mixed review we've done to date.  I checked Yelp and Trip Advisor.  It appears the public agrees with both of us ... lines have been drawn!

FRESH ROLLS, 7320 40th St. W., University Place, 253.460.2958