The hottest burger in Olympia


By Steph DeRosa on April 25, 2012

Thing: 3-Alarm Burger

Place: Extreme Burgers

Of: Firehouse Grill fame

In: Olympia

Owner: Scott Johnson

This is: A food cart

Corners: State Avenue and Adams Street

Next to: Acme Fuel

Coincidentally: Both gave me gas

And afterward: Hot hole

I'll never forget the day Pappi Swarner introduced me to the term "hot hole." It was years ago as we downed cold beers at The Red Hot while discussing the inevitable aftereffects of TRH's Tideflats hot dog.

Using the phrase "hot hole" has come in handy multiple times over the years as I've pursued my life-long love affair with spicy foods, jalapeños, Tapatio, sport peppers and any concoction with a description containing the word "Creole." 

Most recently, "hot hole" came into play after a visit with an Extreme Burgers food truck in Olympia. Second down on the chalkboard menu posted just outside an eye-level food truck window, owner Scott Johnson had written the words "3-Alarm Burger." I didn't read any further down the 13-item menu, a fire-inducing meal had been insinuated. 

A 3-Alarm Burger? I was on it. Hot hole was to be had.

True to his word, Johnson delivered excellence with his ground-in-house hamburger meat and fresh hand-cut fries. I was handed a quarter-pound patty that had been doused with spicy seasonings and covered in salsa, jalapeños, Tillamook cheddar and chipotle firehouse sauce. The only thing missing was a monkey wearing a sombrero and playing a pair of cymbals.

Bite after bite I oohed and ahhed as I talked to Mr. DeRosa on the phone while eating.  We have an ongoing battle over which one of us can find the best burger in town. So far, and especially after a Firehouse Grill 3-Alarm Burger, I win. 

But then again, I always win when it comes to finding hot hole.

Firehouse Grill's Extreme Burgers, corner of Adams Street NE and State Avenue NE, Olympia, 360.490.6610