Mom's Buttery Soft Toffee secret is out


By Steph DeRosa on February 8, 2012

THING: Mom's Buttery Soft Toffee

AKA: Heaven's toffee

I just: Named it that

Because: This toffee

Proves: There is a God

Toffee made by: Momi Bowles

Since: 2009

Only: Seasonally

Beginning: September

Ending: February

You're going to hate me. I just know it. That is, if you don't already hate me for the many various reasons one might develop a disliking for my abrasive and often tacky charm.

I've known of Momi Bowles and her UH-MAZE-ING handmade toffee - which goes by the name Mom's Buttery Soft Toffee - since 2010. I'm sorry to just now be telling you about it.

I'm also sorry to tell you that Bowles' toffee-making season ends at the end of February.

I swear, I haven't been trying to keep this toffee secret all to myself. It's more of a keen example of my extreme laziness.

Eating Mom's Buttery Soft Toffee, on the other hand, is something I do with feverous glee and nominal hesitation.

The stuff is delicious.

Bowles' recipe comes from a friend's grandmother, Nancy Dawson, who perfected the toffee and refused to share the recipe with others. For 10 years Dawson teased Bowles with samples of her homemade toffee, and for 10 years Bowles begged, and was denied, that gosh darn toffee recipe.

"Finally, on the eleventh year of asking, she gave me the recipe," Bowles tells me. "It was a very intricate recipe and she had to show me exactly how to make it."

Each Mom's Buttery Soft Toffee batch makes only five pounds. Bowles' handmade toffee batches are hand-stirred, hand-cut and hand-packed into one-pound jars. Imagine this girl's forearms after a season of toffee sales. I wouldn't want to rumble with her, and to those who might: I pity the fool.

"As much as I'd like to find a machine to do this work for me, there just isn't one," says Bowles.

Bowles says the magic is in the hand stirring. Being soft and buttery, the toffee is also temperamental in certain temperatures, making spring and summer sales a no-no ... at least for now.

Again, my sincere apologies for holding back on you for so long with information on this amazing toffee. The good news is now is your chance to taste heaven, if you order before the end of February.

The bad news is, you'll eat the entire jar in one sitting. This, I can guarantee.

LINK: Shop for Mom's Toffee