Top Food and Drug

I don't like it. There, I said it.

By Kris Blondin on April 14, 2010

There are two major grocery stores near my house, Top Food & Drug and Fred Meyer. Friends, neighbors and even I have very strong feelings about which store we prefer. I find this interesting. Not interesting enough to do any major funded studies, but enough to write about it.

As you may or may not know, I am in the Fred Meyer camp. For the record, my husband hates both. He'll drive across town to shop at Proctor Safeway (soon a column when they are finished with construction) or Met Market. And you thought I was a grocery snob.

It's been a moon or two since I visited Top Foods at 23rd and Union in Tacoma. They house a U.S. Bank branch, so occasionally I'm in there to make a loan payment, but other than that, I've never been a fan, and really, still not. Sorry to ruin the ending for you.

I say kudos to Starbucks for the taking the opportunity to shove their coffee directly in your face as you enter the door. Then as you leave, you can't help but re-evaluate your plans for dinner and current grocery purchases as you walk by the Orient Express. It's good-bad Chinese food.

If you can get by the Starbucks unscathed, turn right past the meticulous wall of canned food and featured sale items, you'll find a new configuration in the produce department, at least since I was there last. It's much more open and easy to navigate. I grabbed an 89 cent Asian pear from its cozy little Styrofoam mesh straight jacket and placed it in my basket.

Digressing slightly, has anyone noticed you can't find a decent deal on sweet onions right now? Not in season I realize, but it just seems worse than normal. Damn. Couldn't even FIND them at Costco. Sorry, I just had to throw that out there.

It's a candy lover's heaven at Top Food. There's so much bulk candy, Willy Wonka would be jealous. Not a fan of candy myself with the exception of Fran's Dark Chocolate Caramels with Sea Salt. Thank goodness they are super expensive. Anyway, along with the bulk candy is a nice selection of bulk nuts, dried fruit and even cookies.

The Top Food bakery does a nice job with their artesian breads at competitive prices. They offer a very large "panette" loaf for only $1.69. That sucker had to be at least three feet long! Lots of doughnuts are also ripe for the pickens, but alas my favorites old-fashioned glazed were already gone. Just as well.

Their deli has some nice pre-made dinner offerings like meatloaf, twice baked potatoes and some lovely petite green beans. Salads worth a try include tortellini pesto, Waldorf and the Thai chicken.

All hail to the pre-wrapped medium soft to hard cheese section. The only soft cheeses to be found were Chevre and some President's Brie. And does the deli section need nearly 300 eight-ounce containers of Parmesan cheese? Yes, I counted because I couldn't help myself.

The seafood department made me sad. I found the meat department interesting me for they clearly REALLY like meatballs. There are five different types: Italian, sweet and sour, honey bourbon, just plain and mystery. I didn't have time to ask. Plus, by this point I really didn't care.

Top has a very impressive frozen food section. I don't think there is anything I couldn't find there. You know, frozen vegetables can be more nutritious than fresh as they are frozen on site within hours of picking, rather than loaded on trucks where it can take days to reach its destination. And everyday those veggies slowly lose their nutritional value as they age. Just FYI.

So now you may be wondering why I like Fred Meyer more? I just do. It's what I know, and that's really what it comes down to. Thanks for shopping.

[Top Food Tacoma, 3130 S. 23rd St., Tacoma, 253.591.0155 and other locations though out the area]