Celebrating patriotism

Honor the nation's flag and George Washington's birthday

By Gary Lott on February 23, 2017

In his inaugural address, President John F. Kennedy called out, "Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country."

Each year, the Puget Sound Chapter of Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) hosts a Massing of the Colors event to celebrate active-duty military personnel and veterans in the Evergreen State and to celebrate the Feb. 22 birth of this nation's first patriot, Gen. George Washington.

"Anyone can join the close to seventy military fraternal organizations, civilian organizations, veterans, active military personnel and local high school ROTC groups as they celebrate Washington State Patriotic Day Saturday, Feb. 25 at Stadium High School," said event coordinator retired Maj. Gen. John Hemphill.  

The Massing of the Colors began in 1919 by military officers who served in World War I. The responsibility shifted to the MOWW in 1923.

This event is a patriotic ceremony honoring those who have served and are active in the U.S. military.  It also honors those who carry on the tradition of patriotism.

Primarily, the event helps to link the importance of patriotism among the youth of today by providing insight into a community that supports the military.

Cash prizes for best spectator (participation) is an added bonus, and this will be the first year that any attending group can be represented by donning an American flag instead of a unit-specific flag like in years past.

This means that attendees can show their patriotism and get paid for it (up to $500), and the patriotic program has risen beyond the "Massing of the Colors" by allowing even more patriotism from the community.

"The centerpiece remains the American flag, supported by the organizational colors of the participating patriotic organizations," Hemphill said. "As a step further, a group without an organizational color and any patriotic individuals may also participate by carrying a display-sized American flag carried on a staff (standard)."

The 2017 ceremony was renamed "Washington State Patriotic Day" to identify that the event is statewide and intended to highlight individuals or groups deserving recognition for their military support. The MOWW committee's goal with the renewed scope is to open participation among patriotic individuals, businesses and other organizations in the assembly of the American flag as the centerpiece for patriotism.

Hence, the first Washington State Patriotic Day celebration was born.

"Come to this annual observance of our state's namesake to honor all patriots that have given of themselves to keep our country free," Hemphill said. "This one afternoon will renew your patriotism and instill the spirit of patriotism in your children."

All patriotic organizations such as veteran, civic, fraternal, churches, school, scout and military that honor the American Flag are encouraged to participate. Please include organizational flags for a two-person unit. When there is no organizational flag, participate with only the American flag carried on a staff for a one-person unit. Adjustments can be made for young children and for those with special needs. For information and a Massing of the Colors participation application, contact Col. Carroll Dickson preferably by email carrolldickson@comcast.net or by calling 253.566.5870.

Learn more about this year's Washington State Patriotic Day & Massing of the Colors event by visiting www.mocus.us.

Washington State Patriotic Day & Massing of the Colors, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2 p.m., Stadium High School Gymnasium, 111 North E St., Tacoma, free, monetary prizes to be given for Best Participation, door prizes will be available, including a piece of the historic Berlin Wall, www.mocus.us