PERMANENT LIPSTICK: Halloween The Big Fat Blur

South Sound adventures at clubs, restaurants and my favorite hangouts

By Ginger Knoxx on November 4, 2004

Halloween: The Big Fat Blur

Being the mildly SUPERSTITIOUS GIRL that I am, Halloween freaks me out, especially this year.  First of all, for anyone who's counting (it might just be me) this is the 13th Permanent Lipstick in this rag.  Is it coincidence that it's the same issue in which I relate all the Hob-goblinry about town?  Second, on my way to Fenders Friday, BLACK CAT #1 darts in front of my car as I turn onto Sixth Avenue. Then Sunday night I am driving through the back streets due to my headlight being out (bad luck?) when BLACK CAT #2 jets out almost fill my treads with cat guts.  Now I'm freaked. Two black cats - that's two as in SNAKE EYES - and issue 13, which is never good, had my heart in my throat and my gag reflexes going. This might be the DRAMA QUEEN in me, but egads, TWO BLACK CATS!!  I asked BOBBLE TIKI for his take on it, and he muttered on about star alignment, STONEHENGE, THE VIKINGS (yes, the sports team), government plots and local Wicca before he slipped back under the liquor level of the bottle he'd crawled in for the holiday weekend.

Thursday, Oct. 28

GO MUSIC and I met up with MAINE E and hubby DRUM GOD DARIN at CAFE AQUINO for what we thought was a wine tasting.  Well, a wine tasting it was - for old people.  Maybe they're fun, maybe they're not, but they weren't warming to us so we split.  EVE AND HER SIX OLIVES across the street was extremely welcoming as always.  She fixed us some of her signature drinks: a MEGA MANGO MOJITO (soon to be on the menu), a GIN LEMON MARTINI, and Maine E's usual of crushed Cuervo and lime.  We then gobbled down a delectable sampling of Eve's  small plates. My fav is a toss up between the WHISKEY FLANK STEAK and the PRALINE SALMON. Also, the Six Olive Stick is yummy. Panamonica's co-owner ROB ANDERSON joined us, bringing our table to an 11 in seconds. After my 32-ounce mojito, I debated lying down on the booth. Thinking better of it, Go Music and I cashed out to catch THE ELEPHANTS at HELL'S KITCHEN before heading to BOB's JAVA JIVE for the BRIAN KENNY FRESNO SHOW. Fresno was everything I imagined and more.  My cheeks hurt from smiling so much at the end.  

Friday, Oct. 29

SMOOTH and I slammed back GLAD HE ATE HER shots and stumbled in to watch the Black Sabbath metal chicks of MISTRESS OF REALITY rock Hell's Kitchen. SHOT MASTER MARCUS bought the band shots of Jager and was rewarded by a rub on his big ol' military shaved head by singer Paulette Kasal. Imagine what it must be like to be a chick and have someone say, "Wow, you look like Ozzy. You should be in a tribute band."  MANNTIS was louder than necessary at Fenders.  We were there only a second before taking off to hunt down ANDY DAY's house for the after party. Not that we made it, mind you. Between getting lost, not following directions (maybe the direction giver was drunk) and being dangerously close to RUSTON COP territory, we smartly called it a night.

Sunday, Oct. 31

As I saunter in at 11:30 p.m., JASON, HELL'S KITCHEN'S MUTTON-CHOPPED DOOR GUY, is grinning widely and ushers me in as SPLENDID VENGEANCE starts their set. Newly back from their GALACTIC TOUR and with sparkly new members in tow, this HAIR-METAL ROCK-GOD-OPERA band is like nothing else. Their newest guitar player, Hugh McLarge, takes the freakin' cake. Especially with the added bulge in his pants. Too bad the weird guy in the trucker hat kept trying to touch it.  RYAN LOISELLE, sporting a RON JEREMY WIG, gathered band footage for his rockumentary.

The usual too cool crowd was dressed up in some rather funny costumes. ANNA NICOLE SMITH (pre-TrimSpa) was accompanied by her huge fun bags and even larger behind. And just like the real thing, she came with dog SUGAR PIE and old man husband (in an urn, of course). I love a costume that comes with props.  DAVE FROM WHO CARES was dressed as COURTNEY LOVE complete with smeared makeup and a penchant for flashing.  BARTENDERS PAT AND CASEY looked like they rolled up in a CAMARO WITH AN EXHAUST LEAK. Casey's wig reminded me of Vince's hair before he cut it.  THE FENDERS GANG rolled in shortly after midnight. Owner KEVIN AS A COW with udders was a very bizarre sight.