

Joe - Vocals
Josh - Bass
Andy - Drums
Hank - Guitar
Drew - Guitar



If you are looking for a band to adorn the walls of teenage girls, whose makeup tips would be a welcome site in any tween magazine and whose bangs swish with the majesty of a greased alsatian, then you my friend, have come to the wrong place!

If however, you are an adult or have a grown up sensibility of what pollutes your ear holes, or are generally disgusted at what equates as music at some of the finer radio and television stations, then please pull back the curtain and pay no mind to the man behind the controls. For he is Hank!

Through trial and error this band was formed. It took several years for these pieces to be assembled, though they were not strangers to each other. To explain the genesis of this band would take more time than is willing to be used, so to sum it up, everyone in Hank at one time or another for the last ten years or better has been in a band, written for or recorded with someone else in the group. Never all together at the same time, always with a hint of destiny. The bands were many, ranging in style from punk and rock to acoustic/punk. So in this time each member was honing a particular skill, and getting ready to form Hank.

Hammer - The heart that beats at the middle of Hank. The foundation of the band, who's guitar playing defines what alternative used to be when it was still cool. He cut his teeth on all that was good about guitar playing in the alt/grunge scene in the early 90's.

Paul - His large stature hides a voice that can bring you to your knees or incite a riot in your brain. He runs the spectrum from lilting highs that circle the clouds and pluck notes from the heavens to a bellow that satans own death metal band would be proud to have fronting.

Joshua - Started his bass playing career playing punk, so speed has never been an obstacle. Using his deft finger and picking skills he melded a style of his own, incorporating funk and his own unapologetic tendency to play his bass like a guitar.

Drew - Our mad scientist producer/guitar player. He is able to temper his skill at the mixing board with the patience to put up with neurotic band members. Still he is able to wow every member of the band every time he picks up his guitar.

Andy - Well, he's the most wicked drummer alive.

Audio Tracks


  1. Green

  2. Load

  3. Ang

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