Doula Delivers Support to Expecting Moms

By Jennifer Albertson on November 19, 2012

As a young military wife, Bev Young Reed labored and delivered her second child alone.  "That was one of the hardest experiences of my life, and one of the reasons I wanted to become involved in Operation Special Delivery. I never want another mom to have to labor or deliver her baby alone."

         Operation Special Delivery is a nationwide program that connects doulas to expectant moms who have a deployed spouse or partner. Eligible moms receive doula services for free.

"As a doula, I am there to offer all the support I can," Reed said.  "I know all the tricks of the trade, the back rubs, the breathing techniques. You want an epidural? I'm going to be the first person to tell the nurse. Don't want one? I'm there to get you through. I don't judge. I'm just there to make sure the mom feels supported."

         Reed has been a doula for over 20 years. She is certified by Doulas Of North America, and she has completed training in pre and post natal care. When she connects with a mom through Operation Special Delivery, Reed offers two prenatal sessions, attendance at the birth and a post natal follow up. "If a mom is alone because her spouse is deployed, I'll go shopping with her for the things she might need for a baby. We'll review her birth plan and I'll attend birth classes. I attend the delivery. After, I'll do a post natal follow up and answer all the questions the mom may have."

         Reed believes every mom she works with becomes part of her family. "I'm in contact with moms long after the birth. I get calls about toddlers and potty training, I get facebook comments from kids I saw delivered 20 years ago!"

         Reed has worked with twenty to thirty military moms and is a familiar face at Madigan Army Medical Center. "Madigan feels comfortable having me there because they know the mom is taken care of. They know I can find the ice machine, I can operate the bed, I know the routine."

         While moms eligible for Operation Special Delivery receive doula services for free, Reed offers a discount to all military families and places an importance on supporting the dad as well. "Dad's need support too. Childbirth can be a scary time," Reed said.

         Reed has also started community meet and greets to connect new parents. To find out more about Bev Young Reed and her doula services, visit or call her at (360) 292-5976.  To find out more about Operation Special Delivery nationwide, visit