TRICARE Dental Program Contract Awarded

By Tricare on January 28, 2012

TRICARE Management Activity is awarding the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) T-3 contract to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Inc. The contract provides for worldwide, comprehensive dental care coverage to enrollees including family members of Uniformed Service active duty personnel and to members of the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve and their eligible family members. Approximately 1.9 million beneficiaries are currently enrolled in the premium-based TDP worldwide.

Dental care under the new contract begins May 1, 2012, following a 12-month transition period.

The TDP contractor will manage enrollment and member utilization of diagnostic and preventive services, provider networks, claims processing, customer service and access to data, while providing beneficiary satisfaction at the highest level possible through the delivery of world-class dental care.

Protest Resolution A protest was filed with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) on January 18, 2011, regarding the TRICARE Dental Program contract award. GAO issued its decision April 27, 2011, denying the protest. TMA will begin the transition of the TDP to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife). This process will take a year to complete. The transition will be seamless to TDP enrollees.