The Defense Department has launched a new website intended to bolster military children as they deal with deployments and the other stressors of military life. Military Kids Connect offers military kids - from children to tweens and teens - an...
USO helps connect families through reading
Deployment can be hard on a family. It can be even harder for a service member who would normally read their children a good night story but are not around to do so. However, the Pat Tillman Memorial United Services Organization here offers a...
Read-aloud DVDs help families ease deployment stress
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- For many children, listening to the slow, calm tone of a parent's voice reading a bedtime story is part of a nightly ritual. Even when the parent is serving overseas, that can still be part of a child's...
Boys have harder time with parent deployed, study says
It is well known that children of servicemembers face numerous stressors that civilian children do not experience. The constant moving and adapting to new locations is definitely one of the stressors. However, experts agree that the biggest...
Not all military families live on post. As a result, many are often challenged to find safe, affordable child care options close to their homes. The new Army Child Care in Your Neighborhood, or ACCYN, program promotes sponsored off-post care as a...
Helpful resources for the single parent are sometimes just a click or phone call away: - free articles, books and DVDs available as well as localized support referral and counseling;  1-(800) -342-9647n...