Saturday, April 18: Scott Pemberton

Rhythm & Rye

By Christian Carvajal on April 14, 2015

Imagine the clouds parted, a mother ship from planet Funkatron descended, and an alien musician slithered out to encounter ... a Les Paul electric guitar. How would said E.T. approach that unfamiliar instrument? He or she might just lay the axe down on a rock and play it horizontally, like a steel guitar or piano. The results would be, of course, unearthly, but also transcendent. We draw that conclusion by slipping contentedly into the oeuvre of Portlandian Scott Pemberton, funky "Timber Rock" guitarist extraordinaire, whose first album was produced by a member of Los Lobos and whose riffs have been featured in ads for Coca-Cola, Jaguar and Nike. We doubt you've seen anything like him, and we promise you've never heard anyone better. Now pair the magnificent Scott Pemberton Trio with local favorites Science!, and you've got a show that could ensure positive interstellar relations for years to come. Welcome to earth, groovy space friends.

SCOTT PEMBERTON WITH SCIENCE!, 9 p.m. Rhythm & Rye, 311 Capitol Way N, Olympia, $8-$10, 360.705.0760