Tuesday, March 24: Religious Girls

Deadbeat Olympia

By Rev. Adam McKinney on March 18, 2015

Oakland trio Religious Girls is gospel music for noise. Praising everything both beautiful and abrasive, Religious Girls are fascinated with taking clattering and chanting and making it a main character. Eardrums are pummeled, pupils are dilated, and minds are expanded to the place where they can receive that glut of input being ejected from Religious Girls. Above all else, the drums become the frontman for Religious Girls, shoving and cajoling the music into places it wouldn't otherwise have gone. Tricky time signatures and sparkling instrumentation find the band precariously balanced in the nether-space of approachability and coy distancing. Religious Girls want you to meet them halfway when it comes to absorbing their exorbitant sounds and letting them flow through your limbs and out onto the dance floor.

RELIGIOUS GIRLS, w/Saul Conrad, Joseph Hein, the Breakfast Cowboy, 8 p.m., Deadbeat Olympia, 226 N. Division St., Olympia, cover tba, 360.943.0662