Saturday, Feb. 21: Ultra Violent Rays

Bob's Java Jive

By Christian Carvajal on February 16, 2015

I don't normally do this, but I'm at a loss to describe Ultra Violent Rays' trippy electronic sound, so instead I'll let the band give it a go: "Imagine Philip K. Dick howling at a pale and dangerous moon while Siouxsie Sioux does a rain dance around him, but instead of rain, rainbow-colored fire falls from the sky consuming everything, leaving only a net of blue-gray regret." Ooookay. That's pretty close to the truth, actually. The Rays are bassist/vocalist Cooper Gillespie and percussionist Greg Gordon, former Mad Planet members who hail from Silver Lake, CA. (It's the arty suburb of Los Angeles that most resembles Tacoma.) UVR describe their style as shamanic goth pop, but there's also something very ‘80s collegiate gloom about them. They're joined at the ol' Coffee Pot by Beatrix Sky, Ishtmusia, masonsapron, and at least two dudes in black coats and guyliner.

ULTRA VIOLENT RAYS, w/ Beatrix Sky, Ishtmusia, masonsapron, 9 p.m., Bob's Java Jive, 2102 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, cover tba, 253.475.9843