Sunday, Feb. 15: Battle of the Sexes

Tacoma Comedy Club

By Volcano Staff on February 9, 2015

Remember that time in high school when your parents went away? You know, plot line of every teenage movie ever made - except this time, you blew up the house. Standing in the ashes as your parents roll up, what do you do? Say it with us now - iiiiiimprovise. Take notes Sunday at the Tacoma Comedy Club when male and female comedians battle with improv and sketch skills. Watch eight comedians participate in the Battle of the Sexes - and next time you're in a lose-lose situation, you'll wondrously make screams turn to laughter.

BATTLE OF THE SEXES, 8 p.m., Tacoma Comedy Club, 933 Market St., Tacoma, $10, 253.282.7203