Friday, Jan. 2-Sunday, Jan. 4: Puyallup Home & Garden Show

Washington State Fairground

By Volcano Staff on December 27, 2014

It's winter (duh!) and Green Thumbs have a bad case of Seasonal Affective Disorder. For these folks, artificial won't do; it's just a countdown to spring. Ah, but there are a few plants that flourish indoors during the cold months to keep Green Thumbs smiling - and they're not plastic. Green thumbs hanging out at the Puyallup Home & Garden Show Friday through Sunday know which plants flourish indoors. The show will feature garden displays and vendors with opportunities to shop at participating nurseries. Green Thumbs will dig lectures given by Certified Sustainable Landscape Professional Bill Peregrine. The show will also feature exhibitors demonstrating the latest in home remolding, building, decorating and improvement techniques. It's all here, from windows to doors, bathrooms to kitchens, decks to roofing and furniture to spas. Northwest leading experts will be presenting home ideas for 2015. If Green Thumbs are mad about keeping up with the Joneses, then this congregation of home and garden exhibitors will inflame their covetous inclinations.

PUYALLUP HOME & GARDEN SHOW, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Washington State Fairgrounds, Ninth and Meridian, Puyallup, $7-$8, younger than 17 are free, 253.874.8711