Saturday, Nov. 15: Hall & Oates cover band Little Donuts

Bob's Java Jive

By Rev. Adam McKinney on November 13, 2014

When I heard that some of Tacoma's best musicians were getting together to form the Northwest's premier (and only?) all-Filipino Hall & Oates tribute band, my question wasn't "why?" All I wanted to know was when and where I could see this magic happen.

The new tribute band, known as the Little Donuts, is made up of members of Le Lo/Fi, the Dignitaries and the recently defunct Bandolier. I spoke with Little Donuts member Reylan Fernandez about the unlikely project.

Read Rev. Adam McKinney's full feature on Little Donuts in the music & Culture section.

LITTLE DONUTS, 8:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 15, Bob's Java Jive, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, $3, 253.475.4983