Through Nov. 9: "Dial 'M' for Murder"

Tacoma Little Theatre

By Rev. Adam McKinney on October 29, 2014

Tacoma Little Theatre's staging of the classic tale of crime and betrayal, Dial "M" for Murder, draws your eye chiefly to three things: a telephone positioned on a desk by a window, an apartment's front door looming in the background and a green handbag resting on a davenport. These three ingredients, coordinated in symphony, are the most powerful chess pieces in a play that is less a "whodunit," as the program notes, and more of an exploration of what happens after "it" has been done.

Read Rev. Adam McKinney's full review of Dial "M" for Murder in the Music & Culture section.

DIAL "M" FOR MURDER, 7:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, through Nov. 9, Tacoma Little Theatre, $15-$22, 253.272.2281