Tuesday, Sept. 16: Never Young

Le Voyeur

By Rev. Adam McKinney on September 11, 2014

There are certain combinations of sounds that would've never occurred to you were possible until someone inexplicably decides to shake things up. Have you ever listened to some good, punky emo and wondered where all the sci-fi sound effects were? Wonder no more! Hailing from Oakland, California, Never Young have oddly decided to plant their feet in the netherworld where space-age wonder and full-throated, anthemic punk meet. The emo designation is theirs, but that shouldn't deter anyone who (perhaps justifiably) has a stigma to the genre. Really, Never Young make blistering punk that dabbles in pop melodicism, and without the whiny vocals that invaded the emo scene. One of the country's most vibrant and fascinating music communities - San Francisco's shaggy cousin - has produced another intriguing original in Never Young.

NEVER YOUNG, w/ Trout Stream, Whatfunlifewas, 10 p.m., Le Voyeur, 404 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, 360.943.5710