Saturday, June 28: Mosquito Hawk

Track House

By Nikki McCoy on June 25, 2014

To see Mosquito Hawk in person is to see the workings of four dedicated rockers, each bringing a stage presence that engages more than just your ears. Watch as Jerry Zeigler pile-drives his drums, float off with John Merithew as he noodles a guitar solo into your being, catch the rocker stance and bass manipulation of Sean McCoy, and just try and look away when Olivia Love dances and croons into the mic, "Don't try to love me ... just fucking suck on my tongue." Now put that intimate arrangement in a punk rock living room with four other bands, including Seattle fuzz-masters Ancient Warlocks, add the sweet sweat of a summer night, and see how that treats you. You can thank me later.

MOSQUITO HAWK, w/Ancient Warlocks, Sioux, Holy Grove, Shadows, 8:30 p.m., Track House, 511 Seventh Ave., Olympia, $3