Saturday, May 3-Sunday, May 4: "Damn Yankees!"

Theatre on the Square

By Volcano Staff on April 28, 2014

The Broadway Center Conservatory presents Damn Yankees! - a zippy, popular 1955 musical about a rabid baseball fan, Joe Boyd, who says he'd sell his soul for a long-ball hitter for his beloved Washington Senators team. Satan, badly disguised as a guy named Mr. Applegate (there's a reason for that name), is always within earshot when people say that kind of stuff, so he offers Joe a deal. High jinks ensue. Also much pelvic thrusting originally choreographed by Bob Fosse. Yes, some of Tacoma Youth Symphony Association's top musicians will be the pit orchestra.

DAMN YANKEES!, 3 and 7 p.m. May 3, 3 p.m. May 4, Theatre on the Square, 915 Broadway, Tacoma, $5-$14.75, 253.591.5894