Tuesday, March 18: The Films of Terry Gilliam

Saint Martin's University

By John Kephart on March 10, 2014

Accountants-turned-pirates, a daydreaming bureaucrat from a dystopian future, folklore-collecting con-artist brothers, a fantastically lying baron, and an ill-fated attempt to bring Don Quixote to the big screen. These could all be among the topics tonight as Saint Martin's University presents "The Films of Terry Gilliam" as part of their Robert A. Harvie Social Justice Lecture Series. Jeff Birkenstein, Anna Froula and Karen Randell lead a discussion of the Monty Python alumnus' cinematic works based upon their book The Cinema of Terry Gilliam: It's a Mad World. A screening of the Gilliam classic Time Bandits follows; the trio will then present an analysis ofthe film - perhaps clearing up once-and-for-all the mystery of how Horseflesh, the supposedly-deceased seventh dwarf, ends up on the side of Evil. Or the nature of Vincent's "problem" which he needed fruit to cure. Important stuff. Of course there's all that about the necessity of good and evil, too. Undoubtedly, at the end of the night you will have a new appreciation of Gilliam's demented creativity. To which you will be saying, "Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Thank you very very very VERY much!"

THE FILMS OF TERRY GILLIAM, 6:30 p.m. discussion, 7:15 p.m. film, 9 p.m. post-screening analysis, Harned Hall, Room 110, Saint Martin's University, 5000 Abbey Way SE, Lacey, free admission, 360.491.4700