Monday, March 3: Polar Bear Chat

University Place Pierce County Library

By Volcano Staff on February 24, 2014

The only polar bear photograph you've seen recently was a snapshot of your hefty neighbor Earl and his New Year's Day plunge into Commencement Bay wearing a tutu and Viking helmet. Why would someone do such a thing? Anyway, you don't have to be a polar bear to enjoy traveler Pat O'Connor's pictures and stories from his recent trip to Manitoba. He photographed polar bears as they prepared to depart on the ice floes of Hudson Bay for the winter. And, most likely, you wont see a photo of shivering, blue-tinged Earl eating an egg salad sandwich at the Antique Sandwich Co. {WV}

POLAR BEAR CHAT, 7 p.m., University Place Pierce County Library, 3609 Market Place W., Suite 100, University Place, free admission, 253.548.3307