Saturday, Feb. 22: Blackstone Rangers

Bob's Java Jive

By Rev. Adam McKinney on February 19, 2014

The music made by Blackstone Rangers is not immediately what one would imagine when thinking about the music that comes out of Dallas, Texas. While Blackstone Rangers are indeed Dallasites, their music strays from the rock and country that you might expect. Rather, Blackstone Rangers veer into dreampop territory, allowing their synths to wash along, unabated by unobtrusive drum machine patter. While occasional outbursts do arise, Blackstone Rangers seem largely content to embrace ambience and to let mood carry their songs. If the tempo should ever pick up and start to rush along, it always carries with it an unidentifiable sense of menace, as opposed to any sort of jubilant or anthemic energy. Led by bleary vocals from Ruth Smith, Blackstone Rangers project a gauzy intrigue.

BLACKSTONE RANGERS, w/ People Under the Sun, Midday Veil, 9 p.m., Bob's Java Jive, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, $5, 253.475.9843