Thursday, March 29: Amy Ray and her band

Capitol Theater

By Volcano Staff on March 27, 2012

We love "Closer to Fine" as much as the next dirt-kicker, but only ridiculous amounts of cash would have persuaded us to label the Indigo Girls as hard rockers. Which is why Amy Ray's solo albums are such a mind-blower - they pit one half of the pleasant-harmony duo against her previous hold-hands template, opting for more aggressive guitars and cutthroat lyrics.

Ray arrives at the Capitol Theater Thursday some Olympia's musician alumni - Kaia Wilson and Melissa York from Team Dresch and The Butchies.

Come get your folk punk on.

[Capitol Theater, with Lindsay Fuller, 8 p.m., all ages, $10-$15, 206 Fifth Ave., Olympia, 360.754.6670]

Amy Ray chats about her new record