Through Dec. 18: "Peter Pan"

Tacoma Musical Playhouse

By Joann Varnell on December 3, 2011


Piers Chater Robinson's Peter Pan is adapted from the play by J.M. Barrie. The story strikes a chord with kids who don't want to grow up, as well as adults who wish they were responsibility-free like children. Or people who just wish they could fly.  

Having only experienced Disney's version of Peter Pan and the Robin Williams movie, Hook, I went into Tacoma Musical Playhouse with a fair amount of skepticism (which, to be quite honest, is how I approach most musicals). I was hoping it would be a short evening, clocking in around an hour since the website said play was suitable for children ages 4 and up. I was a little dismayed to see Act I alone is 70 minutes. Act II is 55 minutes and, there's a 15-minute intermission. I tried not to be too disgruntled (or focus on how sleepy I was) and prepared to take my notes like a good little critic. 

The opening number went on longer than necessary to establish the story. But, thankfully, the other numbers were more entertaining. The entire Darling family was comprised of good actors, and even though Bailey Boyd portrayed Wendy fantastically, Caleb Haalstrup stole several scenes as Michael Darling. Haalstrup's dancing and pirate fighting were adorable. 

To read Joann Varnell's full review, click here.

[Tacoma Musical Playhouse, Peter Pan, through Dec. 18, 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday and Saturday, Dec. 3, $20-$27, 7116 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.565.6867]