Saturday, Nov. 12: Meowtain

The Midnight Sun

By Rev. Adam McKinney on November 9, 2011

Meowtain is a restlessly churning ball of jittery exuberance. The band's music seems to benefit from an overabundance of ideas and whims - each member racing to bring them to the fore. Shouts emerge, breathless, from behind a wall of crackling guitars, the occasional trumpet and vigorously shuddering tambourines. It sounds, in a word, very much like Olympia. This lo-fi, homespun punk sound that has been steadily produced in the city for many years seems almost bred into the music of Meowtain. What Meowtain brings to the table is a kind of boundless energy, which I think you will find positively infectious. This is the second Olympia All Ages Project-produced show to be held at the Midnight Sun, while the Northern seeks out a permanent residence elsewhere. 

[The Midnight Sun, with the Maxines, Basemint, Monster Trap, 8 p.m., $5, 113 N. Columbia St, Olympia]