Through Oct. 16: "Always...Patsy Cline"

Capital Playhouse

By Christian Carvajal on October 4, 2011

So give it up for Kittra Coomer, who dares not one, not two, but 27 Cline numbers in a little over two hours for Capital Playhouse's production of Always...Patsy Cline.

It's not just a matter of hitting those "Crazy" notes, hard as that is. Cline had one of the 20th century's most distinctive voices, with more stylistic quirks than Regina Spektor covering Nicki Minaj. Coomer looks almost exactly unlike Patsy Cline, and while concert video of Cline reveals she had all the stage pizzazz of a doorknob, Coomer engages with the audience. But none of that matters as long as we hear reminders of Cline in her voice, and by golly, we do. It's a fair stab at imitating the inimitable.

To read Christian Carvajal's full review, click here.

[Capital Playhouse, Always...Patsy Cline, through Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m. Wed-Sat, 2 p.m. Sun, $28-$39, 16, 612 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, 360.943.2744]