Through Feb. 19: "The Last Schwartz"

Harlequin Productions

By Christian Carvajal on February 2, 2011

The Schwartz siblings have gathered in late winter in the Catskills to commemorate their father's yahrzeit, the one-year anniversary of his death. We come to learn Manny Schwartz was a proud Jew but a difficult man. His DNA recurs most strongly in daughter Norma (Ann Flannigan), whose control freakishness exhausts her siblings and in-laws. Eldest son Herb (Scott C. Brown) is more subdued and financially successful, but weighed down by his inability to have children with his wife, Bonnie (Deya Ozburn). Gene (David Brown, no relation) has become a producer of music videos and infomercials and clearly dreads coming home. Compounding his anxiety is his over-sharing shiksa FB, Kia (Alison Monda), whose primary goal in life is to writhe in cages on MTV. And Simon (Casey Brown, also no relation), who suffers from one of those bizarre theater maladies whose symptoms encompass everything from fading vision to Asperger-style discomfort with physical contact, is an astronomer just back from Australia.

I've been eagerly awaiting this production. Read my full review of the show here.

The Last Schwartz

through Feb. 19, Thursday-Saturday 8 p.m., Sunday 2 p.m., $32-$35
Harlequin Productions, 202 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia