Through Dec. 19: "Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol"

Olympia Little Theatre

By Christian Carvajal on December 8, 2010

It's the night before Christmas, so our story begins in darkness, both literal and metaphorical. Jacob Marley, played with empathy by Christopher Cantrell, is in Hell. Providentially, there's a way out, but it's nigh on impossible: He must find a way to get Ebenezer Scrooge (Dennis Rolly), the only man in London stingier than himself, to recognize the error of his ways by Christmas morning. He'll receive questionable assistance from a Gaelic imp called the Bogle (Ryan Holmberg) plus utility player Tim Goebel; but Scrooge, that old crocodile, proves a tough nut to crack.

Read my full review of the show here.

[Olympia Little Theatre, Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol, through Dec. 19, 7:55 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 1:55 p.m. Sunday, $10-$12, 1925 Miller Ave. NE, Olympia, 360.786.9484]