Saturday Nov. 6: Dancing with the Tacoma Stars

Landmark Convention Center

By Volcano Staff on November 3, 2010

The second annual fundraising extravaganza that is Dancing with the Tacoma Stars is obviously a riff on not one but two popular TV shows. But who cares about originality when you can see Marilyn Strickland attempt the foxtrot? Raising money for Tacoma Musical Playhouse, Saturday's Dancing with the Tacoma Stars at the Temple Theater (akin to both "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Dancing with the Stars," with local celebs learning the ropes from Studio 6 Ballroom) will be a production you don't even have to bus the seniors in for. It'll be entertaining as hell.

PREDICTION: In a booking coup, Dancing with the Tacoma Stars nabbed not just Patricia Lecy-Davis of Go Local Tacoma, but also her husband Thane Davis, the co-owner of Smooth and Juicy. Not entirely sure what will happen, but one of them - if not both - will probably end up winning. They're on a roll.

Dancing With the Tacoma Stars

Saturday, Nov. 6, 5:30 p.m., $35 balcony, $75 dinner and show
Landmark Convention Center, Fourth and St. Helens, Tacoma