Saturday, Oct. 30: Night of the Living Tribute Bands

Capitol Theater

By Nikki Talotta on October 28, 2010


>>>Saturday, Oct. 30

What do L7, Iron Maiden, Pat Benatar, Aerosmith, Heart, Dinosaur Jr. and Patti Smith have in common? Well, besides all having lived their fair share of the rock ‘n‘ roll dream, they're all being covered at this year's Night of the Living Dead Tribute Concert. Olympia heavy hitters like Jon Merithew (C-Average), Olivia Love (Black Betty, Rodeo Kill), Ryan Von Bargen (Chief, Fitz of Depression) and many other local badasses will be tearing up the stage at the Capitol Theater in downtown Olympia. Come in costume for a discount! There will be raffles, a costume contest and prizes! Calling all zombies, slutty nurses and Michael Jacksons to celebrate this coming together in the true Halloween spirit of resurrection, bad makeup and general mayhem. - Nikki Talotta

[Capitol Theater, 8 p.m., $5 w/costume, $8 w/out, all ages, 21+ beer garden, 206 Fifth Ave. SE, Olympia, 360.754.6670]