Friday, Sept. 17-Saturday, Sept. 18: Fill The Bowl

Stadium High School

By Christian Carvajal on September 16, 2010

The current record for Largest Food Drive Ever netted half a million pounds of food.  Now Emergency Food Network, Northwest Harvest, Tacoma Public Schools and the Stadium Centennial Foundation hope to celebrate the Stadium Bowl's 100th anniversary by doubling that record from Friday to Saturday.  Fill the Bowl kicks off (that's a pun, sports fans!) with a parade, followed by the epic feline gridiron battle of the Tigers of Stadium High vs. the Lions of Bellarmine Prep.  All donations go to food banks right here in the Puget Sound area.  Cash donations are greatly appreciated; giving $10 is as simple as texting "Hunger" to 89544. To donate more, text "Hunger" followed by the dollar amount to 27138.

Fill The Bowl

Friday, Sept. 17 4 p.m. to Saturday, Sept. 18 4 p.m.
Stadium High School, 111 N. E St., Tacoma

LINK: Celebrating 100 years of Stadium's bowl