Aug. 6-7: Hotrod-A-Rama

The Swiss

By Matt Driscoll on August 4, 2010

Friday and Saturday marks the 8th Annual Hotrod-A-Rama, once again set to engulf The Swiss with enough sweet-ass pre-1965 traditional and custom hotrods to make Boyd Coddington blush, plus a stellar lineup of music including performance by The Fucking Eagles, Girl Trouble, Si Si Si, Basemint, Red Hex and the Scuzztones (among others). Ambiguously billed as "The Last One Ever Again," this year's Hotrod-A-Rama will really get going Friday night, when The Fucking Eagles, Si Si Si and Girl Trouble take the stage starting at 9 p.m.

James Bender, who's been with Hotrod-A-Rama since the beginning, and (along with Shawn Wheelock) helped creator Dale Seaholm get Hotrod-A-Rama off the ground, organized this year's music with Michael "Zombo" Devine. Bender says though Seaholm moved to Tucson two years after the creation of Hotrod-A-Rama, the capable leadership of new "managing director" Steve Glucoft has left Hotrod-A-Rama in good shape. He also credits the extensive help of the Mischief Makers Car Club, a revved-up posse of "fine far flung individuals" who - like Bender - have been with Hotrod-A-Rama since the beginning.

"With the advent of this year's show we decided to showcase more of the fine music Tacoma has coursing through its veins," says Bender. "We were able to put together what I feel is a lineup of Tacoma's finest bands both new and established. Additionally the lineup is salted with a handful of mind-blowing acts from other strange and distant places."

Read the full story here.


with Girl Trouble, Si Si Si, The Fucking Eagles, the Scuzztones, Red Hex, Basemint, '63 Burnout, Marshall Scott Warner, The Kings, Johnny Cheeseburger, Bentz Brothers and Stafford, Marti Brom
Aug. 6-7, music starts at 9 p.m. Friday, 1 p.m. Saturday
The Swiss, 1904 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma