Saturday, May 15: Operation Graffiti Cover-Up

South End Neighborhood Center

By Matt Driscoll on May 12, 2010

The annual Safe Streets Tacoma graffiti cover-up will be the place to be Saturday. Known as "Operation Graffiti Cover-Up" - because, let's be honest, things sound badass when "operation" gets thrown in front - the festivities will start with a 9 a.m. community rally at the South End Neighborhood Center, and disperse with paint buckets and rollers from there - erasing "graffiti" in a number of predetermined locations throughout Tacoma, Lakewood and unincorporated Pierce County. Gang suppression, beautification and community building are said to be the main motives of the "operation," though the promised refreshments for volunteers also carry weight.

Prediction: Operation Graffiti Cover-Up can skip Weekly Volcano World Headquarters because we already had our handyman scrape off all the wheat-pasted anarchist crap earlier this week. By the way, "anarchists," our handyman now refers to your movement as "job security." 

Operation Graffiti Cover-Up

Saturday, May 15, 9 a.m.
South End Neighborhood Center, 7802 S. L St., Tacoma