Through May 9: "Inherit the Wind"

Evergreen Playhouse

By Christian Carvajal on May 5, 2010

Director Pug Bujeaud stages a riveting revival of Inherit the Wind in the wonderfully intimate Evergreen Playhouse (no relation).  It's one thing to assess this spin on the "Scopes monkey trial" through a distant proscenium; it's another to be right in the middle of the courtroom as bombastic Matthew Harrison Brady (Dennis Rolly) and curmudgeonly Henry Drummond (Scott Peterson) tear into each other over evolutionary science in, God help us, a science curriculum.  The acting shines throughout, not just from the leads; in some shows, there really are "no small parts." Natural selection may not be as controversial here as in the Midwest, but Inherit the Wind reminds us that sometimes, the most important voice is the one that disagrees with our most cherished assumptions.

Inherit the Wind

Friday, May 7-Saturday, May 8 8 p.m., Sunday, May 9 2 p.m.


The Evergreen Playhouse

226 W. Center St., Centralia, 360.736.8628